Addiction and Community Support

Addiction and Community Support

What is a support system?

A support system is a network of people who provide practical or social support. There are broadly two types of support systems: those geared toward personal relationships or recovery.

Personal support systems may include:

  • family members and relatives
  • friends
  • neighbors
  • members of organizations you’re a part of, like churches or clubs

For personal support systems, it may be a good idea to spend a little time thinking about the people in your life whom you trust as a source of support.

Recovery support systems are groups designed specifically for those in substance use disorder recovery, such as:

  • 12-step programs
  • recovery and treatment programs
  • in-person and virtual support groups

Some people might choose to only use recovery support systems on a short-term basis during their active recovery. Others may incorporate recovery support systems into their lives for many years.

There’s no right or wrong way to approach finding support from others during recovery and sobriety. It’s all about trying different things and discovering what works best for you.

Source: Psych Central

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